Ad-hoc Disclosure acc. to Art. 17 MAR: IONOS Group SE with preliminary half-year results. Revenue guidance slightly reduced, earnings expectations unchanged.

Karlsruhe / Berlin, 12 July 2024. IONOS Group SE, the leading European digitalisation partner for small and medium-sized enterprises, announces its preliminary half-year results for 2024.

  • + 180,000 customers to 6.28 million (H1 2023: 6.10 million customers)
  • + 6.1% revenue to €751.7 million (H1 2023: €708.6 million)
  • + 8.6% adjusted EBITDA to €218.1 million (H1 2023: €200.8 million)
  • Revenue guidance 2024: approx. 9% growth (previously approx. 11%)
  • EBITDA guidance 2024: unchanged at €450 million

Karlsruhe / Berlin, 12 July 2024. IONOS Group SE, the leading European digitalisation partner for small and medium-sized enterprises, announces its preliminary half-year results for 2024.

Preliminary revenues increased by 6.1% to €751.7 million in the first half of 2024 (H1 2023: €708.6 million). While revenues in the core business developed as planned in the first six months of 2024, revenues in the lower-margin aftermarket business fell short of expectations due to temporary phasing effects in connection with a product launch. Although the company expects to see a significant increase in revenues in the aftermarket business as the year progresses, it is unlikely that the 2024 business plan will be achieved.

The company is therefore adjusting its revenue guidance for the 2024 financial year and now expects to achieve currency-adjusted revenue growth of around 9% (previously: around 11%; 2023: €1.423 billion).

In the first half of 2024, adjusted EBITDA rose as planned by 8.6% to €218.1 million (H1 2023: €200.8 million) with different phasing of marketing expenses.


The adjusted EBITDA margin is expected to be around 29% in 2024 (previously around 28.5%; 2023: 27.4%), which should result in an unchanged adjusted EBITDA of around €450 million (2023: €390.3 million). 






For 2025, IONOS plans to achieve a percentage increase in revenue of around 10% and a further increase in the adjusted EBITDA margin to around 30%.